Inteligencia Competitiva
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Inteligencia Competitiva como factor de éxito en tiempos de crisis

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Inteligencia Competitiva como factor de éxito en tiempos de crisis Empty Inteligencia Competitiva como factor de éxito en tiempos de crisis

Mensaje  Eliana Benjumeda Mar Mar 10, 2009 6:59 pm

El último White Paper publicado por Global Intelligence Alliance recientemente está listo para ser enviado a quien lo solicite. Podéis pedírmelo a mí directamente o volcarlo desde hacerlo a través de la página web

Nos muestra un modelo de tres fases que las empresas pueden adaptar para enfrentarse de forma más acertada a la recesión económica.

Espero sea de vuestro interés.
Un saludo,

Eliana Benjumeda
Business Information and Market Intelligence
34-966 69 60 60
Member of Global Intelligence Alliance (GIA)

Market Intelligence as a Key Success Factor in an Economic Downturn

This paper presents a three-phase model for companies to adapt to a recession and ties in Market Intelligence efforts to the process by presenting concrete case examples of what types of MI output companies could consider to help tackle a downturn. Methods are presented and discussed as to how intelligence activities can be made increasingly efficient and impactful; Both important pre-requisites for justifying the investment in intelligence efforts during financially tough times.

This GIA White Paper focuses on the critical role of Market Intelligence in an economic downturn, when companies should focus on analyzing the changes in the external business environment and identifying new opportunities rather than only concentrating on liquidity concerns and other internal matters.

Especially strategic planning and the marketing and sales functions face challenges during a recession, as strategic decisions may have to be made very quickly on fundamental opportunities that may drive earnings performance for years to come. Market and competitive intelligence plays a vital role in the process. Also, companies nowadays depend on new kinds of sophisticated support tools including Market Intelligence in generating new business through marketing and sales efforts. As a result, the role of MI is again emphasized, but when resources are scarce, targeting the MI investment must be done wisely.

This paper presents a three-phase model for companies to adapt to a recession and ties in Market Intelligence efforts to the process by presenting concrete case examples of what types of MI output companies could consider to help tackle a downturn. Methods are presented and discussed as to how intelligence activities can be made increasingly efficient and impactful; Both important pre-requisites for justifying the investment in intelligence efforts during financially tough times.
Eliana Benjumeda
Eliana Benjumeda

Cantidad de envíos : 41
Fecha de inscripción : 06/03/2008

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